Organizing ERASMUS + mobilities despite everything!

Covid 19 , the Brexit , the war in Ukraine and the general situation we are living in are not making our lives easy .
As teachers , we have the responsibility to catch up with students who are not used to working anymore , who skip school because they think they can manage on their own , and for whom it is difficult to go back to a ‘normal’ life .
Some students, and even teachers, were traumatized by this period because they lost someone or they could not stand the lockdown psychologically and more and more people present symptoms of mental health problems such as phobias, depressions, anxiety and so on.
Organizing ERASMUS + mobilities in this crisis was not easy even sometimes tricky , especially since we had to finish all the projects from 2019 to 2021, so for some of us, we had the double of projects and trips to organize as usual.
First of all you had to check about local and international rules about Covid 19 and make sure that all the partners could join the mobility. Will they have to be vaccinated? To wear masks, inside and / or outside? What type of masks is allowed? When and where must they show they green pass? So many different cases you had to cope with.


Secondly , some of our projects had been written two years ago, and some of the activities had to be cancelled because of security and sanitary rules, so you had to find new things to do, but still corresponding to the topic of the application. But we are all very creative and each mobility was the occasion to discover new applications, learn new things and enjoy the landscapes and cultural aspects of the countries where we stayed.

We mostly tried to find a maximum of activities outside, so the problem of social distances could be simpler to deal with.


Despite all of these obstacles, we could make it and enjoyed every moment we spent together and are very proud of all the work done.